Ewe bible old and new

You're referring to the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible, which is often referred to as the "Old and New Testament" or simply "The Bible".

Here's a brief overview of the contents:

Old Testament (OT)

The Old Testament contains 39 books that were written before the birth of Jesus Christ. It tells the story of God's relationship with his people, the Israelites, from creation to the Babylonian exile.

The OT is divided into several sections:

  1. Law (Genesis to Deuteronomy): The first five books of the Bible, which contain the Ten Commandments and the history of creation.
  2. History (Joshua to Esther): The books that tell the story of the Israelites' conquest of Canaan and their subsequent history, including the reigns of various kings and the Babylonian exile.
  3. Wisdom Literature (Job to Song of Solomon): Poetic books that explore themes of wisdom, morality, and spirituality.
  4. Major Prophets (Isaiah to Daniel): Books that contain prophetic messages from God to his people, warning of judgment and promising redemption.
  5. Minor Prophets (Hosea to Malachi): Shorter prophetic books that contain messages of judgment and restoration.

New Testament (NT)

The New Testament contains 27 books that were written after the birth of Jesus Christ. It tells the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, as well as the early Christian church.

The NT is divided into several sections:

  1. Gospels (Matthew to John): The four books that tell the story of Jesus' life, death, and resurrection.
  2. Acts of the Apostles: The book that tells the story of the early Christian church and the spread of Christianity.
  3. Epistles (Letters) of Paul: The 13 letters written by the apostle Paul to various churches and individuals.
  4. General Epistles (Hebrews to Jude): Letters written by other early Christian leaders to various churches and individuals.
  5. Revelation: The book that contains apocalyptic visions and prophecies about the end of the world and the return of Jesus Christ.