Everytime i think about you lyrics by new direction

A great choice!

"Everytime I Think About You" is a song by British boy band One Direction (not New Direction, by the way!), from their second studio album "Take Me Home" (2012). The song was written by Savan Kotecha, Rami Yacoub, and Carl Falk.

Here are the lyrics:

Every time I think about you I go crazy, I go crazy Every time I think about you I go crazy, I go crazy

I'm stuck in the moment, I'm stuck in the past I'm stuck in the moment, I'm stuck in the past Every time I think about you I go crazy, I go crazy

I'm stuck in the moment, I'm stuck in the past I'm stuck in the moment, I'm stuck in the past Every time I think about you I go crazy, I go crazy

The song is a heartfelt ballad about the pain of thinking about an ex and the memories that linger. The lyrics convey a sense of longing and yearning, with the repetition of "every time I think about you" emphasizing the intensity of the emotions.

Do you have a special connection to this song, or is there a particular memory or experience associated with it for you?