Everything wrong with twilight new moon

The infamous Twilight Saga: New Moon! While opinions about the series are divided, here are some common criticisms and issues with the second installment:

  1. Lack of Bella's character development: Bella's character takes a backseat to the drama surrounding Edward's departure. Her character development is limited, and she becomes more of a passive observer in her own story.
  2. Overemphasis on Edward's absence: The movie focuses too much on Bella's pining for Edward, making the story feel like a prolonged, angsty teenage drama. The absence of Edward becomes an excuse for Bella's emotional turmoil, rather than exploring her own agency and growth.
  3. Underutilized supporting characters: Characters like Jacob, Alice, and Jasper are underdeveloped and feel like mere plot devices. Their motivations and backstories are glossed over, making it difficult to connect with them on a deeper level.
  4. Poorly executed plot twists: The movie's plot twists, such as the introduction of the Volturi and the werewolf pack, feel contrived and unearned. The pacing is rushed, and the stakes are unclear, making it hard to become invested in the story.
  5. Lack of world-building: The Twilight universe is still relatively unexplored, and New Moon fails to add much depth or complexity to the world. The mythology and rules of the vampire and werewolf worlds are still unclear, making it difficult to become fully immersed.
  6. Overuse of melodrama: The movie relies too heavily on melodrama, with characters making grand, over-the-top declarations and engaging in dramatic, soap-opera-esque confrontations.
  7. Inconsistent tone: The tone of the movie veers wildly between dark and serious to lighthearted and comedic. This inconsistency makes it difficult to take the story seriously.
  8. Poorly handled themes: The movie touches on themes like grief, loss, and the dangers of obsession, but handles them in a heavy-handed and simplistic manner.
  9. Lack of tension or stakes: The movie's climax, which involves a confrontation with the Volturi, feels anticlimactic and lacks real tension or stakes. The outcome is never in doubt, making the entire sequence feel like a foregone conclusion.
  10. Cringeworthy dialogue: Some of the dialogue in the movie is cringe-worthy, with characters speaking in overly dramatic, clichéd, or just plain awkward ways.
  11. Misuse of the werewolf pack: The werewolf pack, which has potential as a fascinating and complex group, is reduced to a bunch of generic, cookie-cutter characters with little depth or motivation.
  12. Inconsistent character motivations: Characters' motivations and actions are inconsistent, with some making decisions that feel out of character or driven by plot convenience rather than logical storytelling.

Keep in mind that opinions about the Twilight Saga are divided, and some fans may disagree with these criticisms. However, these issues are commonly cited as problems with the movie.