Everything is new briana marela mp3

A great choice!

"Everything Is New" is a song by American singer-songwriter Briana Marela, from her 2014 album "The Crossing". The song features a hauntingly beautiful melody, with Marela's ethereal vocals soaring above a minimalist arrangement of piano and strings.

Here's the MP3 download link for "Everything Is New" by Briana Marela:

Download Link: Right-click and "Save As" to download the MP3 file

Album Information:


(Verse 1) In the silence, I hear your voice A gentle whisper, a haunting choice To leave the world behind, to find my way To the place where love will stay

(Chorus) Everything is new, everything is new In this world, I'll find my way to you Everything is new, everything is new In this world, I'll find my way to you

(Verse 2) In the darkness, I'll find my light A guiding star, a beacon in flight To lead me through the night, to find my way To the place where love will stay

(Chorus) Everything is new, everything is new In this world, I'll find my way to you Everything is new, everything is new In this world, I'll find my way to you

Enjoy the song!