Everything is better with a dollop of butter

The age-old adage! While it's true that butter can add richness and flavor to many dishes, it's not always the case that everything is better with a dollop of butter. Here are a few reasons why:

  1. Balance is key: Butter can be overpowering, especially if used excessively. A little bit of butter can go a long way, and too much can throw off the balance of flavors in a dish.
  2. Texture matters: Butter can add a richness and creaminess to dishes, but it can also make them feel heavy and greasy. In some cases, a lighter hand with the butter or a different type of fat (like olive oil or avocado oil) might be a better choice.
  3. Flavor profiles: Butter has a distinct flavor that might not complement every dish. For example, if you're making a dish with strong, bold flavors like curry or chili, a dollop of butter might get lost in the mix.
  4. Health considerations: Let's not forget that butter is high in saturated fat and calories. While it's okay to indulge in butter from time to time, it's not the healthiest choice for every meal.

That being said, there are certainly many dishes where a dollop of butter is the perfect addition. Here are a few examples:

  1. Mashed potatoes: A pat of butter can add a rich, creamy texture to mashed potatoes.
  2. Toast: A dollop of butter on toast can add a satisfying crunch and flavor.
  3. Vegetables: A pat of butter can add a subtle richness to roasted or sautéed vegetables like Brussels sprouts or asparagus.
  4. Baked goods: Butter is a key ingredient in many baked goods, like cakes, cookies, and pastries.

Ultimately, whether or not everything is better with a dollop of butter is a matter of personal taste. If you enjoy the flavor and texture that butter adds to your dishes, then go for it! Just be mindful of balance and moderation.