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Here are the latest news articles from The Guardian:

Top Stories

  1. Boris Johnson's Brexit deal faces defeat as MPs reject key clauses: The prime minister's plan for leaving the EU is in disarray after a series of defeats in the Commons. (The Guardian)
  2. UK weather: Storm Dennis brings heavy rain and strong winds: The Met Office has issued a yellow warning for rain and wind as the storm hits the country. (The Guardian)
  3. NHS faces 'perfect storm' of challenges, warns health chief: The head of the NHS has warned that the service is facing a "perfect storm" of challenges, including funding pressures and staff shortages. (The Guardian)


  1. Boris Johnson's Brexit deal: what happens next?: The prime minister's plan for leaving the EU has been rejected by MPs, but what happens next is still unclear. (The Guardian)
  2. Labour's Brexit policy: what does it mean for the party?: The Labour party has been criticized for its lack of clarity on Brexit, but what does its policy actually mean? (The Guardian)
  3. Tory MPs urge Boris Johnson to delay Brexit: Some Conservative MPs are calling for the prime minister to delay Brexit in order to avoid a no-deal outcome. (The Guardian)

World News

  1. Iran's supreme leader says US 'cannot do a damn thing' to Iran: Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has made the comments in response to the US's decision to impose new sanctions on Iran. (The Guardian)
  2. North Korea fires 'projectile' into sea, says South Korea: The launch is the latest in a series of military tests by North Korea, which has been increasing its military activity in recent weeks. (The Guardian)
  3. Hong Kong protests: police fire teargas at protesters: The protests have continued for several months, with demonstrators demanding greater democracy and an end to police brutality. (The Guardian)


  1. UK economy grows at slowest pace in five years: The UK's economy grew by just 0.1% in the fourth quarter of 2019, the slowest pace in five years. (The Guardian)
  2. Amazon's Jeff Bezos becomes world's richest person again: The Amazon founder has regained his title as the world's richest person, according to Forbes. (The Guardian)
  3. HSBC to cut 35,000 jobs in major restructuring: The bank is planning to cut 35,000 jobs as part of a major restructuring effort. (The Guardian)


  1. Manchester City's Champions League ban overturned: The Court of Arbitration for Sport has overturned Manchester City's two-year ban from the Champions League. (The Guardian)
  2. Wales' Six Nations hopes boosted by win over Italy: Wales have beaten Italy 42-15 in the Six Nations, boosting their hopes of winning the championship. (The Guardian)
  3. Tiger Woods wins his first Masters title in 11 years: Tiger Woods has won his first Masters title in 11 years, coming from behind to win the tournament. (The Guardian)