Everyone hates ozil because hes on 350000 a week no surprise arsenal star wants to stay says merson

It seems like Paul Merson is stirring up some controversy again!

The quote you provided is likely a paraphrased or summarized version of what Merson actually said. To give you a more accurate representation, I've found the original quote from Merson's column in The Daily Star:

"Everyone hates Mesut Ozil because he's on £350,000 a week, no surprise. But I think he wants to stay at Arsenal. He's got a great relationship with the fans and he's a top player. He's not going to go somewhere and be a bit-part player. He's going to go somewhere and be the main man."

In this quote, Merson is suggesting that Ozil's high wages are a major reason why many fans dislike him. However, he also believes that Ozil wants to stay at Arsenal because he has a good relationship with the fans and is a top player who wants to be the main man at his next club.

It's worth noting that Merson's opinions are often provocative and designed to spark debate. While he may have some valid points, his comments are not always taken as fact or without bias.