Every new years eve ball drop

The iconic New Year's Eve ball drop!

The Times Square New Year's Eve Ball Drop is an annual event held in Times Square, New York City, to celebrate the start of a new year. Here are some interesting facts about the event:

  1. The first ball drop: The first ball drop took place on December 31, 1907, when Adolph Ochs, the owner of the New York Times, dropped a 700-pound iron and wood ball from the top of One Times Square (then known as Longacre Building) to mark the start of the new year.
  2. The ball's design: The original ball was made of iron and wood, but over the years, it has undergone several transformations. Today, the ball is made of Waterford Crystal and is covered in 2,688 Waterford Crystal triangles, weighing over 11,875 pounds and measuring 12 feet in diameter.
  3. The drop: The ball is lowered down a 77-foot pole from the top of One Times Square to the street below. It takes about 60 seconds to complete the drop, and the ball reaches a speed of about 17 miles per hour.
  4. The crowd: The event attracts over 1 million people to Times Square, making it one of the most crowded public spaces in the world. The crowd is so large that it's often referred to as the "largest annual gathering of people in the world."
  5. The celebration: The event is broadcast live on television and streamed online, with millions of people around the world tuning in to watch the ball drop. The celebration includes live music performances, confetti, and a countdown to midnight.
  6. The tradition: The ball drop has become an iconic symbol of New Year's Eve celebrations around the world. It's a tradition that has been continued for over 100 years, with each year's event building on the excitement and anticipation of the previous one.
  7. The security: With such a large crowd, security is a top priority. The event is heavily guarded by police and security personnel, with a perimeter fence surrounding the area to prevent unauthorized access.
  8. The charity: The Times Square New Year's Eve Ball Drop is also a charity event, with proceeds from the event going to support various causes, including the Times Square Alliance's charity initiatives.

The Times Square New Year's Eve Ball Drop is an unforgettable experience, and millions of people around the world look forward to it every year.