Evans news glynneath

Evans News is a local news website that covers news and events in Glynneath, a town in Neath Port Talbot, Wales. Here are some recent news articles from Evans News that may be of interest:

  1. Glynneath RFC Celebrates 100th Anniversary: The Glynneath Rugby Football Club celebrated its 100th anniversary with a special match against Pontarddulais RFC. The club was founded in 1922 and has a rich history in the local community. (Source: Evans News)
  2. New Housing Development Planned for Glynneath: A new housing development is planned for Glynneath, with 30 new homes set to be built on a former industrial site. The development is expected to bring new jobs and investment to the area. (Source: Evans News)
  3. Glynneath Community Centre to Get £250,000 Refurbishment: The Glynneath Community Centre is set to undergo a £250,000 refurbishment, which will include new flooring, windows, and a revamped kitchen. The centre is a popular hub for local events and activities. (Source: Evans News)
  4. Glynneath RFC Players Honoured for Community Work: Two players from Glynneath RFC were honoured for their community work, including volunteering at local schools and charities. The players were presented with awards at a special ceremony. (Source: Evans News)
  5. Glynneath Town Council Approves New Parking Restrictions: The Glynneath Town Council has approved new parking restrictions in the town centre, aimed at reducing congestion and improving safety. The restrictions will come into effect in the coming weeks. (Source: Evans News)

These are just a few examples of the types of news articles you can find on Evans News. The website covers a wide range of topics, including local news, sports, and community events.