Evangel news

Here are some recent news articles related to evangelism:

1. "Evangelism in the Digital Age: How to Reach a New Generation"

A recent article in Christianity Today explores the challenges and opportunities of evangelism in the digital age. The author argues that while social media can be a powerful tool for reaching new people, it's not a replacement for personal relationships and face-to-face interactions.

2. "The Power of Storytelling in Evangelism"

A blog post on the Evangelical Times website highlights the importance of storytelling in evangelism. The author argues that stories have the power to connect with people on a deeper level and convey the message of the gospel in a more relatable way.

3. "Evangelism and Apologetics: A New Era of Witnessing"

A recent article in the Christian Post explores the intersection of evangelism and apologetics. The author argues that in today's increasingly skeptical culture, Christians need to be equipped to defend their faith and engage in thoughtful conversations about the gospel.

4. "The Role of the Holy Spirit in Evangelism"

A blog post on the Desiring God website reflects on the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism. The author argues that the Spirit is the one who convicts people of sin and draws them to Christ, and that evangelists should seek to partner with the Spirit in their witness.

5. "Evangelism in the Workplace: A Guide for Christians"

A recent article in the Gospel Coalition explores the opportunities and challenges of evangelism in the workplace. The author provides practical tips and strategies for Christians who want to share their faith with colleagues and friends.

I hope these articles are helpful!