Eus brexit negotiator barnier says he has covid 19

Michel Barnier, the European Union's chief Brexit negotiator, has indeed tested positive for COVID-19. He announced the news on Twitter on December 14, 2020, stating that he had been experiencing symptoms and had taken a test, which confirmed the diagnosis.

Barnier, who is 70 years old, said he would be self-isolating for the next 10 days, as per the EU's guidelines for COVID-19 cases. He also expressed his gratitude to the medical staff who had treated him and wished everyone a speedy recovery.

This news comes at a critical time in the Brexit negotiations, as the UK and EU are racing against the clock to reach a trade agreement before the transition period ends on December 31, 2020. Barnier's diagnosis has raised concerns about the potential impact on the negotiations, but the EU has assured that the talks will continue remotely.

It's worth noting that Barnier has been a key figure in the Brexit negotiations, and his absence could potentially slow down the process. However, the EU has a team of negotiators who can continue to work on the agreement, and the UK has also expressed its willingness to continue talks.

Let's hope that Barnier recovers quickly and that the Brexit negotiations can continue smoothly.