Europe news tv

Here are some popular European news TV channels:

  1. BBC News (UK): The British Broadcasting Corporation's 24-hour news channel, covering international news, politics, and current events.
  2. Euronews (France): A pan-European news channel broadcasting in multiple languages, covering international news, politics, and current events.
  3. Deutsche Welle (Germany): A German public broadcaster offering news, documentaries, and cultural programs in multiple languages.
  4. France 24 (France): A French public news channel broadcasting in multiple languages, covering international news, politics, and current events.
  5. RTVE (Spain): The Spanish public broadcaster's 24-hour news channel, covering national and international news, politics, and current events.
  6. Al Jazeera English (Qatar): A global news channel with a European focus, covering international news, politics, and current events.
  7. TRT World (Turkey): A Turkish public broadcaster's international news channel, covering global news, politics, and current events.
  8. NHK World-Japan (Japan): A Japanese public broadcaster's international news channel, covering global news, politics, and current events, with a focus on Europe.
  9. RT (Russia): A Russian state-funded news channel, covering international news, politics, and current events, with a focus on Europe.
  10. CGTN (China): A Chinese state-funded news channel, covering international news, politics, and current events, with a focus on Europe.

These are just a few examples of the many European news TV channels available. You can find them on various platforms, such as satellite TV, cable TV, online streaming services, or their respective websites.