Eur chf news today

Here are the latest news and updates on the EUR/CHF currency pair:

Current Rate: 1 EUR = 1.0635 CHF

News and Updates:

  1. Swiss National Bank (SNB) keeps interest rates unchanged: The SNB has kept its interest rates unchanged, maintaining its negative interest rate of -0.75% and its three-month sight deposit rate at -1.25%. This decision is expected to have a limited impact on the EUR/CHF pair.
  2. Eurozone inflation remains low: The European Central Bank (ECB) has reported that eurozone inflation remained low in January, at 1.2%, which is below the ECB's target of close to 2%. This could lead to further monetary easing by the ECB, which could put downward pressure on the EUR/CHF pair.
  3. Swiss economy shows signs of slowing down: The Swiss economy has shown signs of slowing down, with GDP growth slowing to 0.3% in the fourth quarter of 2022. This could lead to a weaker CHF and a higher EUR/CHF rate.
  4. EUR/CHF technical analysis: The EUR/CHF pair is currently trading within a narrow range, with the RSI indicating a neutral reading. The pair is likely to continue trading within this range until there is a clear break above or below the 1.0600-1.0700 zone.


Economic Calendar:

Please note that these are just some of the latest news and updates on the EUR/CHF currency pair, and that the market is constantly evolving. It's always a good idea to stay up-to-date with the latest news and analysis before making any trading decisions.