Eu latest news on brexit

Here are the latest news and updates on Brexit:

Latest Developments:

  1. UK-EU Trade Talks Resume: The UK and EU have resumed trade talks, with the aim of reaching a deal by the end of the year. The talks are focused on finding a compromise on issues such as fishing rights, state aid, and the level playing field.
  2. EU Offers Concessions: The EU has offered concessions on fishing rights and state aid, in an effort to break the deadlock in the talks. However, the UK has yet to respond to the offer.
  3. No-Deal Brexit Risks: The UK and EU are still at risk of a no-deal Brexit, with the deadline for a deal looming on December 31st. A no-deal Brexit could have significant economic and social implications for both sides.
  4. Brexit Bill Passes: The UK Parliament has passed the Brexit bill, which will allow the UK to leave the EU's customs union and single market. The bill has been criticized by some as a "power grab" by the government.

Recent Quotes:

  1. Boris Johnson: "We are making good progress in our talks with the EU, but we still have a long way to go. We will not compromise on our sovereignty and our ability to make our own laws."
  2. Michel Barnier: "We are working hard to find a deal, but we need to make progress on the key issues. We cannot accept a deal that undermines the EU's single market and customs union."
  3. Jeremy Corbyn: "The government's Brexit bill is a power grab that will damage our economy and our society. We need a people's vote on the final deal."

Recent Polls:

  1. YouGov: 44% of respondents support a no-deal Brexit, while 36% support a deal with the EU.
  2. Ipsos MORI: 45% of respondents believe that the UK's economy will be worse off after Brexit, while 26% believe it will be better off.

Recent Analysis:

  1. The Guardian: "The UK's decision to leave the EU has created a crisis in the country's economy, with many businesses struggling to adapt to the new reality."
  2. The Financial Times: "The EU's offer of concessions on fishing rights and state aid is a significant development, but it remains to be seen whether it will be enough to secure a deal."