Eu britain set for new talks

It seems like you're referring to the ongoing negotiations between the European Union (EU) and the United Kingdom (UK) regarding their post-Brexit relationship.

Yes, the EU and the UK are set to resume talks in the coming days to try to reach an agreement on their future relationship. The talks are expected to focus on several key areas, including:

  1. Trade: The EU and the UK need to agree on the terms of their future trade relationship, including tariffs, quotas, and regulatory standards.
  2. Security: The two sides need to discuss how they will cooperate on security and defense issues, including the sharing of intelligence and joint military operations.
  3. Citizens' rights: The EU and the UK need to agree on the rights of EU citizens living in the UK and UK citizens living in the EU, including issues such as healthcare, education, and employment.
  4. Border issues: The two sides need to discuss how they will manage their borders, including the Irish border, to ensure that there is no hard border and that trade and travel can continue smoothly.

The talks are expected to be challenging, as the two sides have different priorities and goals. The EU is seeking to maintain a close relationship with the UK, while the UK is seeking to establish its independence and sovereignty.

It's worth noting that the talks are taking place against a backdrop of uncertainty and tension, with some EU leaders expressing concerns about the UK's commitment to the negotiations and the potential for a no-deal Brexit.