Etsy api new orders

The Etsy API!

To retrieve new orders using the Etsy API, you'll need to use the GET /orders endpoint and specify the status parameter with the value new. Here's an example of how you can do this using the Etsy API's official Python library, etsy-api:


  1. Create an Etsy developer account and obtain an API key.
  2. Install the etsy-api library using pip: pip install etsy-api

Code example

import etsy

# Set your API key and shop ID
api_key = "YOUR_API_KEY"
shop_id = "YOUR_SHOP_ID"

# Create an Etsy API client
client = etsy.Client(api_key, shop_id)

# Set the status parameter to "new" to retrieve new orders
params = {"status": "new"}

# Make the API request
response = client.get("orders", params=params)

# Parse the response
orders = response.json()

# Print the new orders
for order in orders:


  1. We create an Etsy API client using our API key and shop ID.
  2. We set the status parameter to "new" to retrieve only new orders.
  3. We make a GET request to the orders endpoint with the specified parameters.
  4. We parse the response JSON and iterate over the new orders.
  5. We print the title, order ID, status, and creation date of each new order.

Tips and variations