Ethiopian reporter news

Here are some recent news articles from Ethiopian reporters:

Ethiopian Reporter News

  1. Ethiopia's PM Abiy Ahmed Wins Nobel Peace Prize (October 2019)

Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation. The Nobel Committee recognized Abiy's work in resolving the border conflict with neighboring Eritrea and his efforts to promote democracy and human rights in Ethiopia.

Source: The Ethiopian Reporter

  1. Ethiopia's Economy Grows by 8.5% in 2019 (December 2019)

Ethiopia's economy has grown by 8.5% in 2019, according to the National Bank of Ethiopia. The country's economic growth is driven by its large agricultural sector, as well as its growing manufacturing and services sectors.

Source: The Ethiopian Reporter

  1. Ethiopia's Opposition Parties Unite Against Government (November 2019)

Ethiopia's opposition parties have united against the government, calling for democratic reforms and an end to human rights abuses. The opposition parties have been critical of the government's handling of the country's economy and its human rights record.

Source: Addis Standard

  1. Ethiopia's Tigray Region Elects New Leader (October 2019)

The Tigray Region in northern Ethiopia has elected a new leader, Debretsion Gebremichael, who is a former defense minister. The election was seen as a significant development in the region, which has been a source of tension in the country.

Source: The Ethiopian Reporter

  1. Ethiopia's Humanitarian Crisis Deepens (November 2019)

Ethiopia is facing a humanitarian crisis, with millions of people in need of food, shelter, and other forms of assistance. The crisis is driven by drought, conflict, and displacement, and has been exacerbated by the government's handling of the crisis.

Source: IRIN News

Other Ethiopian News Sources

  1. Addis Standard: A leading independent news source in Ethiopia, providing in-depth coverage of politics, economy, and society.
  2. The Ethiopian Herald: A government-owned newspaper that provides news and analysis on politics, economy, and society in Ethiopia.
  3. The Reporter: A private newspaper that provides news and analysis on politics, economy, and society in Ethiopia.
  4. Ethiopian News Agency: A government-owned news agency that provides news and analysis on politics, economy, and society in Ethiopia.
  5. BBC Amharic: A BBC service that provides news and analysis on Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa in Amharic, the official language of Ethiopia.