Ethiopian prime minister news

Here are some recent news updates about the Prime Minister of Ethiopia:

Current Prime Minister: Abiy Ahmed Ali (since April 2, 2018)

Recent News:

  1. Ethiopia and Eritrea sign peace deal: In July 2018, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali and Eritrean President Isaias Afwerki signed a historic peace agreement, ending two decades of conflict between the two countries. The deal has led to significant improvements in relations between the two nations.
  2. Reforms and liberalization: Abiy Ahmed has implemented significant reforms in Ethiopia, including the lifting of the state of emergency, the release of political prisoners, and the liberalization of the economy. He has also taken steps to address human rights concerns and promote democracy.
  3. Economic growth: Ethiopia has experienced rapid economic growth under Abiy Ahmed's leadership, with the country's GDP growing by over 8% in 2020. The government has also launched initiatives to promote private sector investment and reduce poverty.
  4. Conflict in Tigray Region: In November 2020, fighting broke out in the Tigray Region between government forces and the Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF), which was once the ruling party in Ethiopia. The conflict has resulted in significant humanitarian concerns, including reports of human rights abuses and displacement.
  5. Awards and recognition: Abiy Ahmed has received several international awards and recognition for his efforts to promote peace and democracy in Ethiopia. In 2019, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to resolve the border conflict with Eritrea.

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I hope this information is helpful!