Ethiopia news on dr abiy

Here are some recent news articles and updates about Dr. Abiy Ahmed, the Prime Minister of Ethiopia:

Recent News Articles:

  1. Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed wins Nobel Peace Prize (October 2019) - The Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize to Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed for his efforts to achieve peace and international cooperation, and for his decisive initiative to resolve the border conflict with neighboring Eritrea.
  2. Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed: A leader who has brought hope and change (February 2020) - An article by the BBC highlighting Dr. Abiy's reforms and efforts to bring about change in Ethiopia, including the release of political prisoners and the opening up of the economy.
  3. Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed: The leader who has transformed his country (March 2020) - An article by The Guardian discussing Dr. Abiy's reforms and how they have transformed Ethiopia, including the country's economy and politics.

Recent Updates:

  1. Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed meets with Eritrea's President (February 2020) - Dr. Abiy met with Eritrea's President Isaias Afwerki to discuss bilateral relations and regional issues, including the ongoing conflict in Libya.
  2. Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed launches new economic plan (March 2020) - Dr. Abiy launched a new economic plan aimed at transforming Ethiopia's economy and reducing poverty, including investments in infrastructure and manufacturing.
  3. Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed meets with African leaders (April 2020) - Dr. Abiy met with African leaders, including the President of South Africa and the President of Kenya, to discuss regional issues and cooperation.

Challenges and Controversies:

  1. Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed faces criticism over human rights (February 2020) - Human rights groups have criticized Dr. Abiy's government for human rights abuses, including the arrest and detention of opposition leaders and journalists.
  2. Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed faces opposition from within his own party (March 2020) - Some members of Dr. Abiy's own party, the Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), have criticized his reforms and accused him of being too soft on opposition groups.
  3. Ethiopia's Abiy Ahmed faces challenges from regional states (April 2020) - Some regional states in Ethiopia have expressed dissatisfaction with Dr. Abiy's government and have called for greater autonomy and representation.

Please note that the news articles and updates provided are subject to change and may not reflect the current situation.