Ethiopia doomsday prophet arrested by police for causing panic

You're referring to the recent news about a doomsday prophet in Ethiopia who was arrested by police for causing panic.

According to reports, the prophet, named Fikadu Mirkana, had been spreading a message that the world would end on a specific date, which caused widespread panic and fear among the population. The police intervened and arrested him, citing concerns that his actions were causing harm to the public.

It's not uncommon for doomsday prophets to emerge in various parts of the world, often with apocalyptic predictions that can cause widespread fear and anxiety. In this case, the Ethiopian authorities took swift action to prevent any further harm and to restore public order.

It's worth noting that the police in Ethiopia have been working to address the spread of misinformation and false prophecies, which can have serious consequences for individuals and communities. By taking action against Fikadu Mirkana, the authorities are sending a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated.

What do you think about this story? Do you think the police took the right action in arresting the doomsday prophet?