Ethanol news in pakistan today

Here are some recent news articles and updates on ethanol in Pakistan:

Latest News:

  1. Pakistan to import ethanol from Brazil: Pakistan has signed an agreement with Brazil to import 100,000 metric tons of ethanol per year to reduce its dependence on imported oil and to promote the use of biofuels. (Source: The News International, March 2023)
  2. Ethanol production to increase in Pakistan: The Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR) has announced plans to increase ethanol production in the country by 50% in the next two years. The council is working with local universities and research institutions to develop new technologies for ethanol production. (Source: Dawn, February 2023)
  3. Ethanol blending with petrol to start in Pakistan: The Pakistan Petroleum Limited (PPL) has announced plans to start blending ethanol with petrol in the country. The company has signed an agreement with a local ethanol producer to supply 10,000 metric tons of ethanol per month. (Source: The Express Tribune, January 2023)


Pakistan has been exploring the use of ethanol as a biofuel to reduce its dependence on imported oil and to promote sustainable energy. The country has set a target of blending 5% ethanol with petrol by 2025.


Despite the efforts to promote ethanol production and use in Pakistan, there are several challenges that need to be addressed. These include:

  1. High production costs: Ethanol production in Pakistan is currently more expensive than traditional fossil fuels, making it difficult for producers to compete in the market.
  2. Limited infrastructure: Pakistan's infrastructure for ethanol production and distribution is still developing, which can make it difficult to scale up production and use.
  3. Lack of government support: While the government has set targets for ethanol use, there is a need for more support and incentives to encourage the development of the ethanol industry in Pakistan.


Despite the challenges, there are several opportunities for the ethanol industry in Pakistan. These include:

  1. Growing demand for biofuels: The demand for biofuels is growing globally, and Pakistan is no exception. The country has a large population and a growing economy, which is driving demand for energy.
  2. Abundant feedstock: Pakistan has an abundance of sugarcane, corn, and other feedstocks that can be used to produce ethanol.
  3. Government support: The government has set targets for ethanol use and is providing support to the industry through incentives and subsidies.

I hope this information is helpful!