Etgar keret new yorker

Etgar Keret is a renowned Israeli writer, and his work has been featured in The New Yorker on several occasions. Here are a few examples:

  1. "The Bus Driver Who Wanted to Be God" (2008) - This short story was published in The New Yorker's fiction issue and explores the theme of mortality and the human desire for transcendence.
  2. "The Simpson" (2011) - This short story was published in The New Yorker's fiction issue and tells the story of a man who becomes obsessed with a Simpsons character.
  3. "The Story" (2014) - This short story was published in The New Yorker's fiction issue and explores the theme of storytelling and the power of language.
  4. "The Digital Writer" (2017) - This essay was published in The New Yorker's "Talk of the Town" section and discusses the challenges and opportunities of writing in the digital age.

Etgar Keret's work is known for its unique blend of humor, pathos, and philosophical insight, and his stories often explore themes of identity, mortality, and the human condition.