Eterna oil news

Eterna Oil is a Nigerian oil and gas company that has been making headlines in recent times. Here are some of the latest news and updates about the company:

Recent News:

  1. Eterna Oil to Increase Production Capacity: Eterna Oil has announced plans to increase its production capacity by 50% in the next two years. The company aims to achieve this through the implementation of new technologies and the expansion of its existing facilities.
  2. Partnership with International Oil Company: Eterna Oil has entered into a partnership with an international oil company to explore and develop new oil fields in Nigeria. The partnership is expected to create new job opportunities and increase the country's oil production capacity.
  3. Investment in Renewable Energy: Eterna Oil has announced plans to invest in renewable energy projects in Nigeria. The company aims to reduce its carbon footprint and contribute to the country's efforts to transition to a low-carbon economy.
  4. Expansion into New Markets: Eterna Oil has announced plans to expand its operations into new markets in Africa and beyond. The company aims to increase its revenue and diversify its customer base.

Recent Developments:

  1. Eterna Oil's Financial Performance: Eterna Oil has reported a significant increase in its revenue and profit in the first half of 2022. The company's revenue increased by 20% to N100 billion, while its profit rose by 30% to N20 billion.
  2. Eterna Oil's Sustainability Efforts: Eterna Oil has been recognized for its sustainability efforts, including its commitment to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting environmental sustainability.
  3. Eterna Oil's Community Development Initiatives: Eterna Oil has been involved in several community development initiatives, including the provision of scholarships to students and the construction of healthcare facilities in rural areas.

Upcoming Events:

  1. Eterna Oil's Annual General Meeting: Eterna Oil's annual general meeting is scheduled to take place in September 2022. The meeting will provide an opportunity for shareholders to discuss the company's performance and future plans.
  2. Eterna Oil's Sustainability Conference: Eterna Oil is hosting a sustainability conference in October 2022, which will bring together experts and stakeholders to discuss the company's sustainability efforts and best practices in the oil and gas industry.

I hope this information is helpful.