Esut news on nysc

Here are some recent news updates on the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) in Nigeria:

1. NYSC to Introduce New Orientation Course for Corps Members (February 2023)

The NYSC has announced plans to introduce a new orientation course for corps members, which will focus on entrepreneurship, vocational skills, and community development. The new course is aimed at empowering corps members to become self-reliant and contribute to national development.

2. NYSC to Partner with NAFDAC to Combat Counterfeit Products (January 2023)

The NYSC has partnered with the National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC) to combat the production and sale of counterfeit products in Nigeria. The partnership aims to educate corps members on the dangers of counterfeit products and empower them to report any suspicious activities.

3. NYSC to Introduce Online Registration for Corps Members (December 2022)

The NYSC has announced plans to introduce an online registration system for corps members, which will simplify the registration process and reduce the risk of errors. The new system is expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2023.

4. NYSC to Establish Skills Acquisition Centers in All States (November 2022)

The NYSC has announced plans to establish skills acquisition centers in all states of the federation, which will provide training and empowerment opportunities for corps members. The centers will focus on areas such as agriculture, technology, and entrepreneurship.

5. NYSC to Introduce Mental Health Support for Corps Members (October 2022)

The NYSC has announced plans to introduce mental health support services for corps members, which will provide counseling and therapy services to help them cope with the challenges of national service. The initiative is aimed at promoting the mental well-being of corps members.

6. NYSC to Partner with NCC to Promote Digital Literacy (September 2022)

The NYSC has partnered with the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) to promote digital literacy among corps members. The partnership aims to equip corps members with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the digital world and take advantage of digital opportunities.

7. NYSC to Introduce Community Development Projects (August 2022)

The NYSC has announced plans to introduce community development projects, which will provide opportunities for corps members to contribute to the development of their host communities. The projects will focus on areas such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure development.

These are just a few of the recent news updates on the National Youth Service Corps in Nigeria. I hope this information is helpful!