Esut news 2017 2018

Here are some of the most significant news stories from 2017 and 2018:


  1. Trump's First Year in Office: Donald Trump became the 45th President of the United States in January 2017, marking a significant shift in American politics.
  2. North Korea's Nuclear Tests: North Korea conducted multiple nuclear tests in 2017, including a powerful hydrogen bomb test in September, sparking international condemnation and tensions.
  3. Hurricane Harvey and Irma: Two devastating hurricanes, Harvey and Irma, hit the United States and the Caribbean in August and September, causing widespread destruction and loss of life.
  4. Fyre Festival Scandal: The Fyre Festival, a luxury music festival in the Bahamas, was canceled after organizers were accused of fraud and mismanagement, leaving thousands of attendees stranded.
  5. Charlie Gard's Death: Charlie Gard, a British baby with a rare genetic disorder, died in July 2017 after a long and publicized battle over his treatment.
  6. Amazon Acquires Whole Foods: Amazon acquired Whole Foods Market, a US-based grocery store chain, in August 2017, marking a significant shift in the retail industry.
  7. Equifax Data Breach: Equifax, a major credit reporting agency, announced a massive data breach in September 2017, exposing sensitive information of millions of people.
  8. Las Vegas Shooting: A mass shooting occurred in Las Vegas in October 2017, killing 58 people and injuring hundreds more.
  9. Catalonia's Independence Referendum: Catalonia, a region in northeastern Spain, held an independence referendum in October 2017, which was met with violence and controversy.
  10. Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang: The 2018 Winter Olympics were held in Pyeongchang, South Korea, featuring athletes from around the world competing in various winter sports.


  1. Trump-Kim Summit: US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un met in Singapore in June 2018, marking a historic summit between the two countries.
  2. Synthetic Opioid Crisis: A synthetic opioid called fentanyl became a major public health crisis in 2018, with thousands of deaths attributed to its use.
  3. Facebook Data Breach: Facebook announced a massive data breach in March 2018, exposing the personal information of millions of users.
  4. Avicii's Death: Swedish DJ Avicii died in April 2018 at the age of 28, sparking an outpouring of tributes and condolences from the music world.
  5. Khashoggi's Murder: Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered in October 2018, sparking international outrage and diplomatic tensions.
  6. California Wildfires: A series of devastating wildfires swept through California in November 2018, killing dozens of people and destroying thousands of homes.
  7. Midterm Elections: The 2018 US midterm elections saw a significant shift in the balance of power in Congress, with Democrats gaining control of the House of Representatives.
  8. Papua New Guinea Earthquake: A powerful earthquake struck Papua New Guinea in February 2018, killing over 100 people and displacing thousands more.
  9. Venezuela Crisis: The political and economic crisis in Venezuela continued to worsen in 2018, with widespread protests and international sanctions.
  10. NASA's Parker Solar Probe: NASA launched the Parker Solar Probe in August 2018, a mission to study the Sun's corona and explore the solar system.

These are just a few of the many significant news stories from 2017 and 2018.