Esut exam news update

ESUT Exam News Update!

Latest News:

  1. ESUT Post-UTME Form 2023/2024: The Enugu State University of Science and Technology (ESUT) has announced the sale of its Post-UTME form for the 2023/2024 academic session. The form is available online and can be accessed through the university's website.
  2. ESUT Admission List 2023/2024: The ESUT admission list for the 2023/2024 academic session has been released. Candidates who applied for admission can check their admission status on the university's website.
  3. ESUT Cut-Off Mark 2023/2024: The ESUT cut-off mark for the 2023/2024 academic session has been announced. The cut-off mark is 180 for all courses.
  4. ESUT Screening Exercise 2023/2024: The ESUT screening exercise for the 2023/2024 academic session has been scheduled to hold on [insert date]. Candidates who have been offered admission are required to participate in the screening exercise.
  5. ESUT School Fees 2023/2024: The ESUT school fees for the 2023/2024 academic session have been announced. The fees are as follows: [insert fees].

Important Dates:

  1. ESUT Post-UTME Exam Date: [insert date]
  2. ESUT Admission List Release Date: [insert date]
  3. ESUT Screening Exercise Date: [insert date]
  4. ESUT School Fees Payment Deadline: [insert date]

How to Check ESUT Exam Results:

  1. Visit the ESUT website: Go to the ESUT website at [insert website URL].
  2. Click on "Admission": Click on the "Admission" tab on the website.
  3. Select "Check Admission Status": Select "Check Admission Status" from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter your JAMB registration number: Enter your JAMB registration number in the required field.
  5. Click on "Submit": Click on the "Submit" button to access your admission status.

How to Pay ESUT School Fees:

  1. Visit the ESUT website: Go to the ESUT website at [insert website URL].
  2. Click on "Payment": Click on the "Payment" tab on the website.
  3. Select "School Fees": Select "School Fees" from the dropdown menu.
  4. Enter your student ID: Enter your student ID in the required field.
  5. Select your payment method: Select your preferred payment method (e.g. bank transfer, online payment).
  6. Make payment: Make payment using your selected payment method.
  7. Print payment receipt: Print your payment receipt as proof of payment.

Stay tuned for more updates on ESUT exams!