Esther oji highest praise mp3 download lyrics video

Esther Oji is a Nigerian gospel singer, and "Highest Praise" is one of her popular songs. Here's the information you requested:

MP3 Download: You can download the MP3 file of "Highest Praise" by Esther Oji from various online music stores or streaming platforms. Some popular options include:

Lyrics: Here are the lyrics to "Highest Praise" by Esther Oji:

Verse 1: I lift my hands, I lift my voice To the one who's worthy, to the one who's choice I'll give you praise, I'll give you thanks For all that you've done, for all that you've plans

Chorus: Highest praise, highest praise To the one who's worthy, to the one who's choice Highest praise, highest praise To the one who's worthy, to the one who's choice

Verse 2: You're the one who's lifted me up You're the one who's carried me through You're the one who's given me life You're the one who's given me hope

Chorus: Highest praise, highest praise To the one who's worthy, to the one who's choice Highest praise, highest praise To the one who's worthy, to the one who's choice

Bridge: I'll give you all, I'll give you all I'll give you all, I'll give you all I'll give you all, I'll give you all I'll give you all, I'll give you all

Chorus: Highest praise, highest praise To the one who's worthy, to the one who's choice Highest praise, highest praise To the one who's worthy, to the one who's choice

Video: You can watch the official music video for "Highest Praise" by Esther Oji on YouTube:

Esther Oji - Highest Praise (Official Video)

Please note that the availability of the song and video may vary depending on your location and the streaming platforms available in your area.