Esther mosunmola osibodu drive behind new market ilishan remo

Esther Mosunmola Osibodu is a Nigerian philanthropist and businesswoman who is known for her humanitarian work and entrepreneurial ventures. She is the founder of the Esther Osibodu Foundation, which focuses on providing education, healthcare, and economic empowerment to underprivileged communities.

As for her residence, Esther Osibodu is said to reside in Ilisan Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria. Ilisan Remo is a town located in the Remo North Local Government Area of Ogun State. It is situated about 60 kilometers north of Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria.

According to reports, Esther Osibodu's residence is located in a serene and peaceful environment, surrounded by lush greenery and rolling hills. Her home is said to be a beautiful and spacious mansion that reflects her love for elegance and sophistication.

It's worth noting that Esther Osibodu's exact address is not publicly disclosed for security and privacy reasons. However, her residence is believed to be located in the New Market area of Ilisan Remo, which is a bustling commercial hub with a mix of old and new buildings.