Escplise news aggregator tutorial

Here is a tutorial on how to create a news aggregator using Elasticsearch:

What is a News Aggregator?

A news aggregator is a system that collects and indexes news articles from various sources, allowing users to search and retrieve relevant articles. In this tutorial, we will create a simple news aggregator using Elasticsearch.


Step 1: Set up Elasticsearch

  1. Install Elasticsearch on your machine or use a cloud-based service like Elastic Cloud.
  2. Create an index for your news aggregator by running the following command:
    curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/news_aggregator' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '
    "settings": {
     "index": {
       "number_of_shards": 5,
       "number_of_replicas": 1
    "mappings": {
     "news": {
       "properties": {
         "title": {"type": "text"},
         "content": {"type": "text"},
         "source": {"type": "text"},
         "published_date": {"type": "date"}

    This creates an index called news_aggregator with a mapping for a news type that has four fields: title, content, source, and published_date.

Step 2: Collect and Index News Articles

  1. Write a script or program to collect news articles from your list of sources. For example, you can use the requests library in Python to fetch articles from APIs or RSS feeds.
  2. Parse the articles and extract the relevant information (e.g., title, content, source, published date).
  3. Use the Elasticsearch Python client library (e.g., elasticsearch) to index the articles in your news_aggregator index. For example:
    import requests
    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch

es = Elasticsearch()

for article in articles: doc = { "title": article["title"], "content": article["content"], "source": article["source"], "published_date": article["published_date"] } es.index(index="news_aggregator", body=doc)

**Step 3: Create a Search Interface**

1. Create a search interface using Kibana or a web framework of your choice. For example, you can create a simple search page using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
2. Use the Elasticsearch JavaScript client library (e.g., `elasticsearch-js`) to send search queries to your `news_aggregator` index. For example:
const es = require('elasticsearch');

const searchQuery = {
  "query": {
    "match": {
      "title": "elasticsearch"
  index: 'news_aggregator',
  body: searchQuery
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {

Step 4: Implement Filtering and Sorting

  1. Add filtering and sorting capabilities to your search interface. For example, you can add a dropdown menu to filter articles by source or date.
  2. Use Elasticsearch's query DSL to implement filtering and sorting. For example:
    const searchQuery = {
    "query": {
     "match": {
       "title": "elasticsearch"
    "filter": {
     "term": {
       "source": "CNN"
    "sort": {
     "published_date": "desc"


In this tutorial, we created a simple news aggregator using Elasticsearch. We collected and indexed news articles from various sources, created a search interface, and implemented filtering and sorting capabilities. You can customize and extend this tutorial to create a more advanced news aggregator that meets your specific needs.