Escape recession presidency lists 17 achievements 2017 #comments

Here are 17 achievements of the Trump presidency in 2017, along with some comments:

  1. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act: Signed into law on December 22, 2017, this bill lowered corporate tax rates and provided tax relief to individuals and families.

Comment: A major win for the economy, but critics argue it benefits the wealthy more than the middle class.

  1. Deregulation: The Trump administration rolled back over 1,500 regulations, reducing the regulatory burden on businesses and industries.

Comment: A boon for businesses, but critics argue it puts public health and safety at risk.

  1. Confirmation of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court: Gorsuch was confirmed on April 7, 2017, filling the vacancy left by Antonin Scalia's death.

Comment: A significant win for conservatives, but critics argue Gorsuch's views on issues like abortion and healthcare are too extreme.

  1. Withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement: The Trump administration announced its intention to withdraw from the agreement on June 1, 2017.

Comment: A major reversal of Obama-era climate policy, but critics argue it will harm the environment and global cooperation.

  1. Travel Ban: The Trump administration issued a travel ban targeting several Muslim-majority countries, sparking controversy and legal challenges.

Comment: A divisive and controversial policy, with critics arguing it's discriminatory and unconstitutional.

  1. Border Wall Funding: The Trump administration secured $1.6 billion in funding for the border wall with Mexico in the 2018 budget.

Comment: A key campaign promise, but critics argue it's a waste of money and will not solve the root causes of illegal immigration.

  1. Repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Mandate: The Trump administration repealed the individual mandate as part of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Comment: A significant change to the healthcare system, but critics argue it will lead to higher premiums and reduced coverage.

  1. Increased Defense Spending: The Trump administration increased defense spending by 10% in 2018, the largest increase in a decade.

Comment: A boost to national security, but critics argue it comes at the expense of other important government programs.

  1. Withdrawal from the Iran Nuclear Deal: The Trump administration announced its intention to withdraw from the deal on May 8, 2018, sparking international criticism.

Comment: A major foreign policy shift, but critics argue it will lead to increased tensions and instability in the region.

  1. Trade Agreements: The Trump administration renegotiated trade agreements with Canada and Mexico, and imposed tariffs on several countries.

Comment: A major shift in trade policy, but critics argue it will lead to trade wars and harm the economy.

  1. Supreme Court Rulings: The Trump administration saw several significant Supreme Court rulings, including a decision upholding the travel ban and a decision striking down a California law requiring disclosure of political donors.

Comment: A mixed bag of decisions, with some seen as victories for conservatives and others as setbacks.

  1. Federal Judge Appointments: The Trump administration appointed over 100 federal judges, including several to the powerful D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.

Comment: A significant effort to shape the judiciary, but critics argue it will lead to a more conservative court.

  1. Environmental Rollbacks: The Trump administration rolled back several environmental regulations, including those related to climate change, clean water, and air quality.

Comment: A major reversal of environmental policy, but critics argue it will harm public health and the environment.

  1. Immigration Enforcement: The Trump administration increased immigration enforcement, including the construction of a border wall and the expansion of deportation efforts.

Comment: A key campaign promise, but critics argue it's a cruel and inhumane policy that separates families and targets vulnerable communities.

  1. National Security: The Trump administration took several actions related to national security, including the launch of a missile strike in Syria and the deployment of troops to the border with Mexico.

Comment: A mixed bag of actions, with some seen as necessary responses to national security threats and others as reckless and destabilizing.

  1. Economic Growth: The Trump administration saw a strong economy in 2017, with GDP growth reaching 2.3%.

Comment: A positive economic indicator, but critics argue it's largely due to factors outside of the administration's control.

  1. Infrastructure Spending: The Trump administration proposed a $1.5 trillion infrastructure spending plan, although it has yet to be passed by Congress.

Comment: A key campaign promise, but critics argue it's a vague plan that lacks details and will not address the country's infrastructure needs.

Overall, the Trump presidency in 2017 was marked by significant changes to the economy, healthcare, immigration, and environmental policy, as well as controversy and legal challenges surrounding several of these initiatives.