Escape recession presidency lists 17 achievements 2017 #

You're referring to the 17 achievements of the Philippine government under the administration of President Rodrigo Duterte in 2017, which was touted as a way to "escape recession" and boost the country's economy.

Here are the 17 achievements listed by the Philippine government in 2017:

  1. Economic Growth: The Philippine economy grew by 6.4% in 2017, one of the fastest-growing economies in Asia.
  2. Job Creation: The government created over 2.2 million jobs in 2017, with the unemployment rate decreasing to 5.7%.
  3. Investment Incentives: The government introduced new investment incentives, such as the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) and the Board of Investments (BOI), to attract more foreign investments.
  4. Infrastructure Development: The government launched several infrastructure projects, including the construction of new roads, bridges, and airports, to improve connectivity and boost economic growth.
  5. Tax Reform: The government implemented the Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion (TRAIN) law, which aimed to simplify the tax system and reduce poverty.
  6. Ease of Doing Business: The government implemented reforms to make it easier to do business in the Philippines, including the reduction of bureaucratic red tape and the introduction of online registration systems.
  7. Agricultural Development: The government launched programs to support agricultural development, including the provision of farm-to-market roads and the introduction of new crops.
  8. Tourism Development: The government launched initiatives to promote tourism, including the development of new tourist destinations and the introduction of new tourist attractions.
  9. Energy Development: The government launched programs to develop the country's energy sector, including the construction of new power plants and the introduction of renewable energy sources.
  10. Healthcare Development: The government launched initiatives to improve healthcare services, including the construction of new hospitals and the introduction of new medical technologies.
  11. Education Development: The government launched programs to improve education, including the construction of new schools and the introduction of new educational programs.
  12. Social Protection: The government launched programs to protect the poor and vulnerable, including the provision of cash assistance and the introduction of new social protection programs.
  13. Peace and Order: The government launched initiatives to improve peace and order, including the implementation of the Bangsamoro Organic Law and the introduction of new anti-crime programs.
  14. Disaster Risk Reduction: The government launched programs to reduce disaster risk, including the construction of new disaster shelters and the introduction of new disaster response systems.
  15. Environmental Protection: The government launched initiatives to protect the environment, including the implementation of the National Greening Program and the introduction of new environmental laws.
  16. Digital Economy: The government launched programs to develop the digital economy, including the introduction of new digital payment systems and the promotion of e-commerce.
  17. Global Competitiveness: The government launched initiatives to improve the country's global competitiveness, including the introduction of new business process outsourcing (BPO) centers and the promotion of foreign investment.

These achievements were touted by the Philippine government as a way to "escape recession" and boost the country's economy, but some critics have questioned the accuracy of these claims and the effectiveness of the government's economic policies.