Esakal live news

You're looking for live news from EsaKal, a popular news aggregator platform!

Here are some ways to access live news from EsaKal:

  1. EsaKal Website: You can visit the EsaKal website ( and click on the "Live News" tab to access the latest news updates.
  2. EsaKal App: Download the EsaKal app (available for Android and iOS devices) and navigate to the "Live News" section to stay updated with the latest news.
  3. Social Media: Follow EsaKal on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, where they often share live updates and breaking news.
  4. News Feeds: You can also subscribe to EsaKal's news feeds on platforms like Google News, Apple News, or Flipboard to receive live updates on your preferred topics.

Remember to always verify the credibility of the sources and fact-check the information before sharing or believing it.

Stay informed and stay ahead with EsaKal's live news updates!