Error new datataset created each time i build

A frustrating issue!

When you build a VB.NET project, a new dataset is created each time because the dataset is generated at compile-time. Here are a few possible reasons why this might be happening:

  1. Dataset is not persisted: If the dataset is not persisted to a file or database, it will be recreated every time you build the project.
  2. Dataset is generated from code: If the dataset is generated from code, such as using the DataSet class or a third-party library, it will be recreated every time you build the project.
  3. Dataset is not cached: If the dataset is not cached, it will be recreated every time you build the project.

To avoid creating a new dataset each time you build the project, you can try the following:

  1. Persist the dataset: Save the dataset to a file or database, so that it can be loaded and reused instead of being recreated.
  2. Use a cached dataset: Use a caching mechanism, such as the System.Runtime.Caching namespace, to store the dataset in memory and reuse it instead of recreating it.
  3. Generate the dataset only once: If the dataset is generated from code, consider generating it only once, such as during the project's initialization, and then reuse the same instance.
  4. Use a dataset designer: If you're using a dataset designer, such as the Visual Studio Dataset Designer, make sure that the designer is not regenerating the dataset every time you build the project. You can do this by setting the Generate Dataset property to False in the designer's properties.
  5. Check for circular references: If you have circular references in your code, it can cause the dataset to be recreated every time you build the project. Check for circular references and refactor your code to avoid them.

By implementing one or more of these solutions, you should be able to avoid creating a new dataset each time you build your VB.NET project.