Erigga new songs mp3 download

Erigga is a popular Nigerian rapper and songwriter, and I can help you with that!

Here are some of his latest songs that you can download in MP3 format:

  1. "The Erigma II" (2020) - This is a 15-track album that features some of his most popular songs, including "The Erigma", "Send Her Money", and "Puna Vibes".
  2. "Send Her Money" (2020) - This song is a collaboration with Yung6ix and features a catchy hook and a strong beat.
  3. "Puna Vibes" (2020) - This song is a laid-back, atmospheric track with a focus on Erigga's storytelling ability.
  4. "The Erigma" (2020) - This song is a high-energy track with a strong beat and a memorable hook.
  5. "Motivation" (2020) - This song is a motivational anthem with a focus on perseverance and hard work.
  6. "A Very Very Good Bad Guy" (2020) - This song is a humorous track that showcases Erigga's storytelling ability and his ability to poke fun at himself.
  7. "The Birth of Tatalo" (2020) - This song is a introspective track that explores Erigga's childhood and his journey to becoming a successful rapper.
  8. "Kettle" (2020) - This song is a high-energy track with a strong beat and a catchy hook.
  9. "The End" (2020) - This song is a introspective track that explores Erigga's thoughts on the end of an era and the beginning of a new chapter in his life.
  10. "No Justify" (2020) - This song is a strong, motivational track that encourages listeners to stand up for themselves and not justify their actions.

You can download these songs from various online music platforms, such as:

Please note that some of these songs may not be available for download on all platforms, and some may be available only for streaming.