Erigga new mp3

Erigga is a popular Nigerian rapper and songwriter, and I'd be happy to help you with his latest music releases. Here are some of his recent songs:

  1. "The Erigma II" (2020) - This is a 15-track album that features some of his most popular songs, including "The Erigma", "Puna Puna", and "Ghost".
  2. "Puna Puna" (2020) - This is a single track that was released in 2020 and has gained a lot of attention online.
  3. "Ghosts" (2020) - Another single track released in 2020, "Ghosts" is a hauntingly good song that showcases Erigga's lyrical prowess.
  4. "The Erigma" (2020) - This is the title track from his album "The Erigma II", and it's a powerful song that showcases Erigga's storytelling ability.
  5. "Motivation" (2020) - This is a motivational song that encourages listeners to stay focused and motivated in the face of adversity.

You can find these songs on various music streaming platforms, including:

I hope you enjoy Erigga's music!