Erigga ballads of a lost boy lyrics

Here are the lyrics to "Ballads of a Lost Boy" by Erigga:

[Intro] I'm a lost boy, I'm a lost boy I'm a lost boy, I'm a lost boy

[Verse 1] I was born in the ghetto, where the streets is rough Where the struggle is real, and the future is tough I had to grow up fast, with no guidance or care I had to fend for myself, with no one to share

[Chorus] I'm a lost boy, I'm a lost boy I'm a lost boy, I'm a lost boy

[Verse 2] I've seen my friends die, I've seen my friends fall I've seen my friends get locked up, and never come back at all I've seen the worst of life, I've seen the best of life But I'm still here, still fighting, still trying to thrive

[Chorus] I'm a lost boy, I'm a lost boy I'm a lost boy, I'm a lost boy

[Bridge] I'm a lost boy, but I'm not alone I've got my music, my rhymes, my flow I'm a lost boy, but I'm not giving up I'm a lost boy, but I'm still standing up

[Outro] I'm a lost boy, I'm a lost boy I'm a lost boy, I'm a lost boy

Please note that these are the lyrics as I could find them online, but there might be slight variations depending on the version or remix of the song.