Eric butterworth new age

Eric Butterworth (1912-2001) was a New Thought movement minister, author, and teacher who was known for his teachings on spiritual growth, personal development, and the power of positive thinking. He was a prominent figure in the New Age movement and was considered one of the most influential spiritual leaders of the 20th century.

Butterworth was born in Oklahoma and grew up in a Christian family. He became interested in spirituality and the teachings of Christian Science at an early age and eventually became a minister in the Unity Church, a New Thought denomination. He served as the senior minister of the Unity Church in Houston, Texas, for over 20 years.

Butterworth's teachings emphasized the importance of spiritual growth, self-awareness, and personal responsibility. He believed that individuals have the power to create their own reality through their thoughts, emotions, and actions, and that they should take responsibility for their own spiritual growth and development. He also emphasized the importance of living in the present moment and letting go of negative thoughts and emotions.

Butterworth wrote several books on spirituality and personal development, including "Discover the Power Within You" and "Spiritual Economics." He was also a popular speaker and lecturer, and he traveled extensively throughout the world sharing his teachings with audiences.

Some of Butterworth's key teachings include:

  1. The power of positive thinking: Butterworth believed that positive thinking and affirmations can be a powerful tool for manifesting one's desires and achieving spiritual growth.
  2. The importance of self-awareness: He believed that self-awareness is essential for personal growth and spiritual development, and that individuals should strive to understand their own thoughts, emotions, and motivations.
  3. The power of the present moment: Butterworth believed that the present moment is the only moment that truly exists, and that individuals should focus on living in the present and letting go of worries about the past or future.
  4. The importance of forgiveness: He believed that forgiveness is essential for spiritual growth and that individuals should strive to forgive themselves and others for past mistakes and hurts.
  5. The power of gratitude: Butterworth believed that gratitude is a powerful tool for manifesting abundance and happiness, and that individuals should focus on what they are grateful for rather than what they lack.

Overall, Eric Butterworth's teachings emphasized the importance of spiritual growth, self-awareness, and personal responsibility, and he was a prominent figure in the New Age movement.