Erdogan and putins tense meeting in moscow

You're referring to the tense meeting between Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow on March 5, 2023.

The meeting was marked by a significant amount of tension and disagreement between the two leaders, particularly over the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and Turkey's decision to send military aid to Ukraine.

According to reports, the meeting was characterized by a stern and confrontational atmosphere, with both leaders engaging in heated exchanges and making pointed remarks. Erdogan reportedly accused Putin of being responsible for the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine, while Putin accused Turkey of being a "partner" of Ukraine and of supporting the country's military efforts.

The meeting was also marked by a significant amount of body language, with both leaders appearing to be visibly agitated and uncomfortable at times. Erdogan was seen crossing his arms and legs, while Putin was seen tapping his foot impatiently.

Despite the tension, the two leaders did manage to find some common ground, with Erdogan reportedly expressing his support for a ceasefire in Ukraine and Putin agreeing to work towards a peaceful resolution to the conflict.

Overall, the meeting between Erdogan and Putin was a significant event in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, and it highlighted the complex and often tense relationships between the leaders of Turkey, Russia, and Ukraine.