Episodes rule breaker chapter 12

You're referring to the popular web novel "Episodes" by Hiroya Oku!

Chapter 12 of "Rule Breaker" is a pivotal part of the story, and I'll try to summarize it for you without giving away too many spoilers.


In Chapter 12, we see the aftermath of the events in the previous chapter. The main character, Akira, is still reeling from the revelation about his past and his connection to the mysterious organization known as "The Agency."

As Akira tries to process this new information, he receives a visit from a mysterious woman named Lila, who claims to be a member of an anti-Agency group. She reveals that The Agency is planning to launch a massive operation to capture and eliminate all "rule breakers" like Akira, who possess the ability to manipulate reality.

Lila offers to help Akira evade The Agency and uncover the truth about his past, but Akira is skeptical of her motives. Meanwhile, we see glimpses of Akira's past, which reveal more about his connection to The Agency and the true nature of his reality-manipulating abilities.

The chapter ends with Akira facing a difficult decision: should he trust Lila and risk everything to uncover the truth, or should he try to go it alone and face The Agency head-on?


I hope that summary helps! Do you have any specific questions about Chapter 12 or the "Episodes" series in general?