Episode 1 a new dawn

You're referring to the first episode of the popular TV show "Star Trek: Picard"!

Episode 1: "Remembrance" (not "A New Dawn", which is actually the title of a Star Wars novel) introduces us to an older and wiser Jean-Luc Picard, who is struggling to come to terms with the loss of his family and the decline of his vineyard. The episode sets the stage for the rest of the series, which explores themes of identity, purpose, and the consequences of playing with the fabric of time.

The episode begins with a flashback to the Romulan supernova, which we saw in the Star Trek: Nemesis movie. We then jump forward to the present day, where Picard is dealing with the aftermath of the supernova and the subsequent destruction of the Romulan homeworld.

As the episode progresses, we see Picard struggling to find meaning in his life, and we're introduced to a number of new characters, including his old friend and confidant, Raffi Musiker, and a young woman named Soji Asha, who is connected to the Romulans in a significant way.

Throughout the episode, we're treated to a number of nods to the original Star Trek series, including a visit to the Enterprise-D's old hangar and a cameo appearance by Brent Spiner, who reprises his role as Data.

Overall, "Remembrance" is a thought-provoking and visually stunning episode that sets the stage for the rest of the series. It's a must-watch for any Star Trek fan!