Environmentalist lauds okowas urban renewal programmes

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Environmental Activist Commends Okowa's Urban Renewal Programmes

Asaba, Delta State - A renowned environmentalist, Dr. Nneoma Nwosu, has commended the Governor of Delta State, Senator Ifeanyi Okowa, for his administration's urban renewal programmes, which she described as a major step towards transforming the state's urban landscape.

Dr. Nwosu, who is the founder of the Environmental Protection and Conservation Initiative (EPCI), a non-governmental organization dedicated to promoting sustainable development and environmental protection, made the commendation during a visit to the state capital, Asaba, where she met with Governor Okowa and his team.

According to Dr. Nwosu, the urban renewal programmes initiated by the Okowa administration have not only improved the aesthetic appeal of the state capital but have also helped to reduce environmental pollution and promote sustainable development.

"The urban renewal programmes initiated by Governor Okowa's administration are a breath of fresh air for our state," Dr. Nwosu said. "The programmes have not only beautified our cities but have also helped to reduce environmental pollution and promote sustainable development. We are proud of the governor's commitment to environmental protection and sustainable development."

Dr. Nwosu commended the governor for his administration's efforts to promote green infrastructure, improve waste management, and enhance the overall quality of life for residents of the state.

"We are impressed by the governor's commitment to promoting green infrastructure, improving waste management, and enhancing the overall quality of life for residents of the state," she said. "These efforts are in line with our organization's mission to promote sustainable development and environmental protection."

The environmentalist also commended the governor for his administration's efforts to promote sustainable agriculture and forestry practices, which she said were critical to ensuring the long-term sustainability of the state's natural resources.

"We are pleased to see the governor's administration promoting sustainable agriculture and forestry practices," Dr. Nwosu said. "These practices are critical to ensuring the long-term sustainability of our natural resources and promoting sustainable development in the state."

In response, Governor Okowa thanked Dr. Nwosu and her organization for their support and commended them for their efforts to promote environmental protection and sustainable development in the state.

"We appreciate the support of organizations like EPCI, which are committed to promoting environmental protection and sustainable development in our state," Governor Okowa said. "We are committed to continuing our efforts to promote sustainable development and environmental protection in the state, and we look forward to continuing to work with organizations like EPCI to achieve our goals."