Enugu airport eccima impressed with quality of job wants opening before easter

It seems like you're referring to the Enugu Airport, specifically the ECCIMA (Enugu Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture) organization. They are impressed with the quality of work done at the airport and are eager to have the facility open before Easter.

Here's a possible response:

"Thank you for the update. We're thrilled to hear that ECCIMA is impressed with the quality of work done at the Enugu Airport. We understand the importance of having the facility open before Easter, and we're working diligently to ensure that it's ready for use by then.

We appreciate your enthusiasm and support for the project. We'll do our best to meet the deadline and provide a world-class airport experience for all users. Please stay tuned for further updates on the project's progress."

Please let me know if there's anything else I can help you with!