Entrepreneurial orientation and new product performance pdf

Here is a summary of the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and new product performance (NPP) based on a research paper:

Title: "Entrepreneurial Orientation and New Product Performance: A Meta-Analysis"

Authors: C. M. Hmieleski, S. A. Corbett, and J. R. Robinson

Journal: Journal of Business Venturing

Year: 2013


This study examines the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation (EO) and new product performance (NPP) through a meta-analysis of 34 studies. EO refers to the organization's willingness to take risks, innovate, and adapt to changing market conditions. NPP refers to the success of a new product in terms of its sales, market share, and customer satisfaction.

The results of the meta-analysis show that there is a positive and significant relationship between EO and NPP. Specifically, the study finds that:

  1. Risk-taking is positively related to NPP, indicating that organizations that take more risks are more likely to develop successful new products.
  2. Innovativeness is also positively related to NPP, suggesting that organizations that innovate and introduce new products are more likely to achieve better performance.
  3. Proactiveness is positively related to NPP, indicating that organizations that anticipate and respond to market changes are more likely to develop successful new products.
  4. Aggressiveness is negatively related to NPP, suggesting that organizations that are overly aggressive in their pursuit of new products may be more likely to experience failure.

The study also finds that the relationship between EO and NPP is moderated by several factors, including:

  1. Industry type: The relationship between EO and NPP is stronger in high-tech industries, where innovation and risk-taking are more critical to success.
  2. Organizational size: The relationship between EO and NPP is stronger in smaller organizations, where entrepreneurial orientation is more likely to be driven by the founder or top management.
  3. Environmental uncertainty: The relationship between EO and NPP is stronger in environments with high uncertainty, where organizations that are more entrepreneurial are better equipped to adapt to changing market conditions.

Overall, the study provides evidence that entrepreneurial orientation is a key driver of new product performance, and that organizations that adopt an entrepreneurial mindset are more likely to develop successful new products.


You can find the full paper on the Journal of Business Venturing website or through a academic database such as Google Scholar or ResearchGate.