Entity framework new model not in new migration

A common issue!

When you create a new entity in your Entity Framework (EF) model, it's not automatically included in a new migration. This is because EF only considers changes to the model that affect the database schema, such as adding or removing tables, columns, or relationships.

To include the new entity in a new migration, you need to manually add it to the migration. Here are the steps:

  1. Create a new migration: Run the following command in the Package Manager Console (PMC) or Visual Studio:

    Add-Migration <MigrationName>

    Replace <MigrationName> with a descriptive name for your migration.

  2. Open the migration file: In the PMC or Visual Studio, open the newly created migration file (e.g., 20230227153000_InitialCreate.cs).

  3. Add the new entity to the migration: In the Up method of the migration, add the following code to include the new entity:

    public partial class <MigrationName> : Migration
     protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
             name: "NewEntity",
             columns: table => new
                 Id = table.Column<int>(type: "int", nullable: false)
                    .Annotation("SqlServer:ValueGenerationStrategy", SqlServerValueGenerationStrategy.IdentityColumn),
                 // Add other columns as needed
             constraints: table =>
                 table.PrimaryKey("PK_NewEntity", x => x.Id);

    Replace NewEntity with the name of your new entity.

  4. Run the migration: Run the following command in the PMC or Visual Studio:


    This will apply the new migration to your database, including the new entity.

  5. Verify the entity is included: Open your database and verify that the new entity has been created.

That's it! Your new entity should now be included in the migration and available in your database.