Enthronement process of a new king in urhoboland

A fascinating topic!

In Urhoboland, the enthronement process of a new king is a significant and elaborate ceremony that involves various traditional practices and rituals. Here's an overview of the process:


Before the enthronement ceremony, the following preparations are made:

  1. Selection of the new king: The selection of the new king is usually done by the Urhobo Traditional Council, which is composed of respected elders and leaders from various clans and families. The selection is based on the candidate's lineage, character, and ability to lead the kingdom.
  2. Preparation of the palace: The palace of the new king is prepared by cleaning and decorating it with traditional Urhobo decorations, such as colorful fabrics, beads, and other ornaments.
  3. Preparation of the royal regalia: The royal regalia, including the crown, scepter, and other symbols of authority, are prepared and polished for the ceremony.

The Enthronement Ceremony

The enthronement ceremony typically takes place at the palace of the new king and involves the following steps:

  1. Procession: A grand procession is held, led by the new king, to the palace. The procession is accompanied by traditional music, dancing, and chanting.
  2. Welcome ceremony: The new king is welcomed by the Urhobo Traditional Council and other dignitaries, who offer prayers and blessings for his reign.
  3. Inauguration: The new king is formally inaugurated and enthroned, with the presentation of the royal regalia and the reading of the royal oath.
  4. Traditional rituals: Various traditional rituals are performed to symbolize the new king's authority and connection to the ancestors. These rituals may include the pouring of libations, the offering of sacrifices, and the recitation of prayers.
  5. Feasting and celebration: The ceremony is followed by a grand feast, which is attended by dignitaries, chiefs, and other guests. The celebration includes traditional music, dancing, and merriment.


After the enthronement ceremony, the new king is expected to:

  1. Pay homage to the ancestors: The new king is expected to pay homage to the ancestors by visiting the shrines and offering sacrifices to ensure their blessings and protection.
  2. Meet with the Urhobo Traditional Council: The new king meets with the Urhobo Traditional Council to discuss the administration of the kingdom and the implementation of traditional laws and customs.
  3. Begin his reign: The new king begins his reign, which is marked by various ceremonies and events, including the coronation of his queen and the appointment of chiefs and other officials.

Overall, the enthronement process of a new king in Urhoboland is a significant and elaborate ceremony that is steeped in tradition and culture. It is a celebration of the new king's authority and a symbol of the continuity of the Urhobo monarchy.