Entering new year memes

The joy of new year memes! Here are some popular ones:

  1. New Year, Who Dis? [Image of a person with a confused expression]
  2. I'm not making any resolutions, I'm just going to try to not mess up as much as I did last year
  3. New Year, Same Me [Image of a person doing the same thing they did last year, e.g. eating pizza on the couch]
  4. I'm not lazy, I'm just on New Year's time [Image of a person sleeping or lounging around]
  5. New Year, New Me... Said No One Ever
  6. I'm not hungover, I'm just experiencing the aftereffects of celebrating the start of a new year
  7. New Year, New Goals... Until I Forget Them in February
  8. I'm not procrastinating, I'm just taking a New Year's break
  9. New Year, New Me... But Only Until I Realize I'm Still the Same Person
  10. I'm not a morning person, I'm just not a New Year's person
  11. New Year, New Me... But Only If I Can Keep My New Year's Resolutions
  12. I'm not a party animal, I'm just a New Year's animal
  13. New Year, New Me... But Only If I Can Get Out of Bed
  14. I'm not a resolution-keeper, I'm just a New Year's enthusiast
  15. New Year, New Me... But Only If I Can Find My Motivation

I hope these memes bring a smile to your face and help you ring in the new year with humor!