Enough is enough news

"Enough is Enough" is a popular phrase used to express that a situation has gone too far and it's time to take action or make a change. Here are some recent news articles that use this phrase:

  1. Enough is Enough: US Calls for International Action on Climate Change (The Guardian, 2022) - The US has urged other countries to take immediate action to address the climate crisis, saying "enough is enough" after a year of devastating natural disasters.
  2. Enough is Enough: Protesters Demand Justice for George Floyd (CNN, 2020) - Thousands of protesters took to the streets across the US, demanding justice for George Floyd and an end to systemic racism, with chants of "enough is enough".
  3. Enough is Enough: UK Government Condemns China's Human Rights Abuses (BBC News, 2021) - The UK government has condemned China's human rights abuses, saying "enough is enough" after a report revealed widespread violations, including forced labor and detention camps.
  4. Enough is Enough: Women's March Demands Action on Gender-Based Violence (The New York Times, 2022) - The Women's March, a global movement, is demanding action from governments and societies to end gender-based violence, saying "enough is enough" after a year of rising reports of abuse.
  5. Enough is Enough: UN Warns of Global Food Crisis (Al Jazeera, 2022) - The United Nations has warned of a global food crisis, saying "enough is enough" after a year of rising food prices, droughts, and conflicts that have left millions of people hungry and vulnerable.

These are just a few examples of how the phrase "enough is enough" is used in news headlines to express outrage, frustration, and a call to action in response to various issues and crises.