Eni news

ENI News!

ENI (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi) is the Italian national oil company, and their news section provides updates on the company's activities, projects, and achievements in the energy sector.

Here are some recent ENI news articles:

  1. ENI discovers new oil and gas reserves in Egypt: ENI has announced the discovery of new oil and gas reserves in the Mediterranean Sea, off the coast of Egypt. The discovery is expected to increase Egypt's oil and gas production.
  2. ENI and partners sign agreement for new gas project in Mozambique: ENI has signed an agreement with its partners to develop a new gas project in Mozambique. The project is expected to produce 3.4 billion cubic feet of gas per day.
  3. ENI and Total sign agreement for new oil project in Angola: ENI and Total have signed an agreement to develop a new oil project in Angola. The project is expected to produce 100,000 barrels of oil per day.
  4. ENI and partners sign agreement for new wind farm in Italy: ENI has signed an agreement with its partners to develop a new wind farm in Italy. The project is expected to produce 100 MW of electricity.
  5. ENI and partners sign agreement for new solar farm in Egypt: ENI has signed an agreement with its partners to develop a new solar farm in Egypt. The project is expected to produce 200 MW of electricity.

These are just a few examples of the latest ENI news articles. If you're interested in staying up-to-date on the company's activities and projects, I recommend checking out their official website or following them on social media.