English teachers body stuck in china due to hefty costs

I'm so sorry to hear that!

It sounds like the English teacher is facing a challenging situation. Being stuck in China due to financial constraints can be frustrating and stressful. Here are some possible reasons why the teacher might be facing this issue:

  1. Visa requirements: China has strict visa requirements, and the teacher might not have the necessary documents or might have overstayed their visa.
  2. Flight costs: The cost of flights back to their home country might be prohibitively expensive, making it difficult for the teacher to afford the trip.
  3. Financial constraints: The teacher might be on a tight budget, and the cost of living in China, including accommodation, food, and other expenses, might be higher than expected.
  4. Job obligations: The teacher might have a contract that requires them to complete a certain period of time in China before they can return home.

To help the teacher, here are some potential solutions:

  1. Contact the school or employer: The teacher should reach out to their school or employer to discuss their situation and see if they can provide any assistance, such as a loan or a temporary reduction in expenses.
  2. Seek financial assistance: The teacher might be eligible for financial assistance from their home country's government or non-profit organizations that provide aid to stranded citizens.
  3. Look for alternative accommodation: If the teacher is struggling to afford accommodation, they might consider finding a more affordable place to live or sharing an apartment with other expats.
  4. Explore travel options: The teacher should research alternative travel options, such as budget airlines or group tours, that might be more affordable than booking a solo flight.
  5. Consider a temporary solution: If the teacher is unable to return home immediately, they might consider taking a temporary job in China to help cover their expenses until they can return home.

I hope these suggestions help the English teacher find a solution to their predicament!