English new words list

Here are some new words in English that you might find useful:


  1. Vaxxer (noun): a person who has been vaccinated against COVID-19
  2. Infodemic (noun): a situation in which there is a large amount of information available, but much of it is unreliable or misleading
  3. Pandemic fatigue (noun): a feeling of exhaustion and frustration caused by the prolonged duration of a pandemic
  4. Digital nomad (noun): a person who works remotely and travels frequently
  5. E-scooter (noun): a type of electric scooter
  6. Wellness warrior (noun): a person who prioritizes their physical and mental well-being
  7. Social distancing (noun): the practice of keeping a safe distance from others to prevent the spread of disease
  8. Contact tracing (noun): the process of identifying and tracking people who have come into contact with someone who has a contagious disease
  9. Maskne (noun): acne caused by wearing a mask
  10. Hybrid work (noun): a work arrangement that combines remote work with in-office work


  1. Covidiot (noun): a person who ignores public health guidelines and puts others at risk during a pandemic
  2. Vaccine passport (noun): a digital document that proves a person has been vaccinated against COVID-19
  3. Long COVID (noun): a condition in which a person experiences ongoing symptoms of COVID-19 for weeks or months after initial infection
  4. Pandemic pivot (noun): a sudden change in business or personal plans due to the pandemic
  5. Remote work burnout (noun): a state of physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion caused by prolonged remote work
  6. Digital detox (noun): a period of time spent away from digital devices and technology
  7. E-learning (noun): online learning or education
  8. Virtual event (noun): an event that takes place online, such as a conference or party
  9. Social media fatigue (noun): a feeling of exhaustion and frustration caused by the constant demands of social media
  10. Mental health day (noun): a day taken off work to focus on one's mental well-being


  1. Coronavirus (noun): a type of virus that causes COVID-19
  2. Pandemic (noun): a widespread outbreak of a disease that affects a large number of people
  3. Social distancing (noun): the practice of keeping a safe distance from others to prevent the spread of disease
  4. Mask mandate (noun): a requirement to wear a mask in public places
  5. Contact tracing (noun): the process of identifying and tracking people who have come into contact with someone who has a contagious disease
  6. Vaccine (noun): a substance that provides immunity to a disease
  7. Remote work (noun): working from home or a remote location
  8. E-commerce (noun): online shopping or commerce
  9. Digital nomad (noun): a person who works remotely and travels frequently
  10. Wellness (noun): the state of being healthy and happy

Note: These words may not be officially recognized by dictionaries or linguistic authorities, but they are commonly used in everyday language and may become more widely accepted over time.